Engine Tear Down Report:

When I arrived to shop at 8:00 the engine was already in dismantling process. They work late at night.

The gear blower covers are damaged on both blower, the covers do not affect the blower function but will be replaced. The blowers turn free.
- Both engines were received without the exhaust manifold.
- The gear blower covers are damaged on both engines.
- Both engines are not equipped with EPD (engine protective device).
- Both engines are built with crab nuts to hold the power assemblies.
- Both crankshafts are not equipped with bolt on stub shaft.
- The cylinder heads are mostly type 4.
- The engine was received with PN 8349064 Water Elbow Inlet Left Bank missing.
- The cylinder heads on the second engine are type 2, very old.
- The first engine is equipped with a spring type crankshaft damper.
- The second engine was received without the engine governor, PN 8215509 Lever Governor to Control Rod missing and 2 PN 8104467 Fuel Filter Clevis assembly, 2 PN 8361381 Fuel Filter Bowl By-pass Sight Glass.
- Both engines were stored outside without protection, water was found into the power assemblies and crankcase thus causing damage to some parts, see detailed engine tear down report.

The crankshaft is equipped with a spring type damper.

The crankshaft on both engines is not equipped with bolt on stub shaft. No visual defect found on the crankshaft.

The retainer tram oil was not installed as per MI, it rubbed against the crankshaft hub. The retainer must be replaced.

Both water pump impellers must be replaced due to oversize shaft bore. No other visual defects were noted on this engine.

Loading the engine